Welcome to The Baton
June 2022 - News Letter

Term dates
Love Music Trust Concert
Saturday 18th June, am, the Seniors have a joint concert with other Love Music Trust groups at The Clonter Theatre, Swettenham. This will be instead of normal morning rehearsal. Senior members must be at the theatre for 10am, with a sound check at 10:20am and the concert at 11am.
Parents can enjoy coffee and cake at 10am in the beautiful gardens. Tickets are £6.00 and can be purchased at http://priorbooking.com/
Intermediates & Trainees, you will not have a rehearsal/lesson that day. We are hoping to arrange for you to attend the concert so that you can see the Senior Orchestra in action – more details soon.
The concert will feature: Congleton Youth Orchestra, the Co-operative Wind Band, Lions Academy Band and Macclesfield Music Centre.

Rehearsal planning
Important for all members: As this term is quite short, it is even more important that members do their best to attend every week, so they are ready for the Summer Concert. We understand that there may be the odd planned family event during the term, but please let either Jayne or Charlotte know well in advance of these. We assume if you have not informed us, your child will be performing in the Summer Concert.
There is a diary sheet at the registration desk every Saturday morning and if you are going to be absent please complete the details.
Saturday 25 June 2022 Rehearsal for all groups will be as normal at Trinity.
Summer concert
SUNDAY 26 June 2022 – Summer Concert, Congleton Town Hall. There will be a Sunday morning rehearsal at the Town Hall for the Intermediates commencing at 11.15am until 12.15pm. Seniors should arrive at the Town Hall at 12.00 already wearing concert dress. Seniors will rehearse from 12.30pm until 1.15pm and then break for lunch at the Town Hall.
(You will need to bring a packed lunch and drink with you)
The Intermediates are to return to the Town Hall by no later than 2.15pm in concert dress ready for the concert start at 2.30pm. The concert will have an interval and is expected to finish about 4.30pm.

Rotary Club Congleton - "Bikeathon 22"
The Rotary Club are holding a “Bikeathon” which will allow individuals or teams to raise money for charities. In previous years we have always supported Rotary by entering teams for the Swimathon and this year we are inviting you to take part in the “Bikeathon” instead.
All details can be found at:- congletonrotary-bikeathon.co.uk (click)
Social event
Saturday 9th July – CYO Social Event! We are taking all members to Bowling & Laserquest in Macclesfield. This will be fully funded by CYO. We are sure this will be a great opportunity for members to make new friends and strengthen existing friendships. Also, for members to beat the Tutors, Volunteers and Trustees!
All should arrive at Trinity at 9.00am in time to join the coach which leaves at 9.30am prompt.
We are due back at Trinity at 12.30pm

Trustees wanted
We are looking for new Trustees to join our team. We meet once a month to discuss CYO matters and support the Tutors with weekly rehearsal as required and in organising termly concerts.
We welcome parents, grandparents or anyone who lives locally , who would enjoy being part of our team. We need new Trustees to ensure that CYO can continue as some of our founding trustees are hoping to step down soon. Please speak to Helen Elkin, Deputy Chair in person on a Saturday or contact our Chair, Andrew Adam.
Don't forget to smile!
This logo will be familiar to many parents if making purchases on Amazon, CYO has been hit quite hard financially since lockdown for various reasons. The Trustees have been anxious to keep fees at the same rate but with no concert income they have decided to look at ways in which we can generate income. So when ordering goods on Amazon, if you click on the AmazonSmile logo and choose Congleton Youth Orchestra as your chosen charity we then benefit financially. The more you order the more we get ! We hope you will feel able to support our organisation in this way.
We are a registered charity therefore please use our registration number: 1071130 when signing up with smile.

Registered Charity: 1071130